Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Diabetes--- Articles Written By Friends and Authors of Ezine Articles.Com

How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally
By Dr. Eswararamanan VR Platinum Quality Author

Diabetes is quite the common condition in the US, especially with the rate of obesity. Even though having diabetes is hard to deal with and being on a diet is not fun it is something that you have to do to stay healthy. High blood sugar can be very dangerous to your health, which is why it is important to lower it immediately when you know it is too high. Some people, even though they follow a diet, still have high blood pressure and need to know how to lower it and keep it down. Here are some changes you can make to your life to lower your blood pressure.

First of all, if you do not exercise you need to start. No, you do not have to become on of those fitness fanatics but you still need to exercise. Try talking a good walk a few times a week, you will want to start of slow and not walk too far or too fast. You can try to take a walk around the block for starters. Do not start off power walking but you do not just want to "stroll" either, choose a pace in the middle that you are comfortable with and will not tire you out quickly.

Many people who have diabetes have found that their condition was due to them being too overweight or obese. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who do not really understand that being overweight or obese can lead to other serious health risks including, but not limited to, diabetes. Therefore, if you have diabetes and you are overweight or obese you should do your best to loose all that extra weight. This will not only help your blood sugar but it can also help prevent you for getting more illnesses.

You should remember that most carbs are bad and will turn to sugar in your body. Even if you are following a diet plan you should lower you carbohydrate intake. For example if you are on a high carb diet you should lower your carb intake to medium and if you are on a medium carb diet you should lower you intake to low. A high carb diet consists of breads, pastas, potatoes and hard beans. A medium carb diet consists of most nuts, some vegetables and many fruits. A low carb diet consists of leafy green vegetables, salad mixes, meat and most other green vegetables.

These are just three things you can do to lower your blood sugar and keep it down. You should know the signs of having blood sugar that is too low or too high, this can help save you in tough spots. It does not matter how you are lowering your blood sugar, you should always keep a few pieces of hard candy easily accessible in case your blood sugar gets too low. Signs of low blood sugar are headaches, sudden hunger pangs, fainting or dizziness, sweating, and confusion. Naturally lowering your blood sugar can be a blessing if it is done correctly.

Discover more about: List of Foods for Diabetic to Eat and Diabetes Control Natural Treatment at my dedicated Diabetes Blog.

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.

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